Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Pancake Wiener!

"Pig in a blanket"
Ally and Olivia were playing outside this evening with their friends Alexis, and Brittany, across the street. Olivia came in crying. She came to me and I asked her what was wrong.
She said, "Ally fell down outside, I went to help her up, but Brittany got there first. I told Brittany "I am her sister, let me help her." Brittany started screaming at me, calling me names, like loser, and 10 other names. Before I could think, I screamed back at her Pancake Wiener!"
Well, I first began to talk to her about letting her light shine for Jesus instead of stooping low to Brittany's games. Then I had to ask...Olivia, what is a pancake wiener? That's when Paul chimed in...I think she meant "pig in a blanket." It was that moment I looked at Olivia, then Paul and died laughing...Paul died laughing...Olivia died laughing. The crying stopped and we were all laughing! I could just imagine Olivia getting all frustrated. She was hurt by the cruel words her friend spoke to her and felt she had to get even by calling her a really bad name!
I'm so grateful my children do not know the words in the "Hell Book." You know what I'm referring too. Paul and I try our best to model Christ in our daily lives. If those words are not healthy for my children to use I don't want them coming out of my mouth either, much less my ears hearing them. I'm not glad she chose to call her friend a name, but pancake wiener is a lot better word than most kids speak these days. And, yes, I did make her go and apologize to her friend for calling her "pancake wiener."
Thank you Lord for my sweet girls. Help them to honor you daily!

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