Wednesday, July 8, 2009


I was cleaning off Ally's desk tonight in the school room at home and found this beautiful drawing of me and words she used to describe me. It reads:

"Mom, you are AWSUME! Mom you are AMAZING. I can't describe you cause you are beautiful! When I look at you I can't believe my eyes. Cause you are everything to me."

I couldn't help but smile from ear to ear when I read those words. As a mother, my children regularly give me encouragement. I am blessed, so blessed to stay home with them. My spiritual gift is encouragement. It comes natural to me. I can't help but to praise and encourage others. No wonder Olivia and Ally are encouragers, they learn it in the home!

Ally, thank you for the beautiful picture and words of encouragement! I love you!!!!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Pancake Wiener!

"Pig in a blanket"
Ally and Olivia were playing outside this evening with their friends Alexis, and Brittany, across the street. Olivia came in crying. She came to me and I asked her what was wrong.
She said, "Ally fell down outside, I went to help her up, but Brittany got there first. I told Brittany "I am her sister, let me help her." Brittany started screaming at me, calling me names, like loser, and 10 other names. Before I could think, I screamed back at her Pancake Wiener!"
Well, I first began to talk to her about letting her light shine for Jesus instead of stooping low to Brittany's games. Then I had to ask...Olivia, what is a pancake wiener? That's when Paul chimed in...I think she meant "pig in a blanket." It was that moment I looked at Olivia, then Paul and died laughing...Paul died laughing...Olivia died laughing. The crying stopped and we were all laughing! I could just imagine Olivia getting all frustrated. She was hurt by the cruel words her friend spoke to her and felt she had to get even by calling her a really bad name!
I'm so grateful my children do not know the words in the "Hell Book." You know what I'm referring too. Paul and I try our best to model Christ in our daily lives. If those words are not healthy for my children to use I don't want them coming out of my mouth either, much less my ears hearing them. I'm not glad she chose to call her friend a name, but pancake wiener is a lot better word than most kids speak these days. And, yes, I did make her go and apologize to her friend for calling her "pancake wiener."
Thank you Lord for my sweet girls. Help them to honor you daily!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

A Book of Blessings!

I didn't mean to write a book. I just began to list gratefulness...Two things I am grateful ended up being long!
Paul and I...

God is so good to us. Lately, every night Paul and I have been going to bed reading our bibles. Our bibles sit on each of our night stands. We can't get enough of God's word! Isn't that a blessing! The blessing is...knowing our girls see us as a couple, as their parents, love Jesus with all our hearts, soaked in His word and conversing about it together. The girls know God is first in our lives, in our marriage. It's a joy to be able to sit in bed with my husband and have conversations about the Lord and His faithful promises! I have prayed so long for this moment. I relish it!
Thank you Lord for your answered prayer, for drawing Paul close to you...for teaching him how to love me and the girls...for you are pure love...for molding him into your likeness...for giving him a desire to serve and worship you...for his desire to read your word and apply it daily...for making him a new man than he was when I first met him...he is a better man...a patient, loving, God fearing man...something only you could do and I praise you for that. Thank you for teaching him to be the leader of our home and for teaching me to step back and let him fulfill your plan in that role...Thank you for giving me hope everyday not to stop praying for Paul, when I was ready to give up...You are so evident in our marriage, family and lives. I wouldn't trade it for anything!

Me and the Girls...

They are my joy! I look back over the years when Paul and I first moved to Arkansas 12 years ago without any children...and think "Wow" God is so good to us! He is so good to me to be able to stay home with the girls and teach them. I am so undeserving, yet He has called me to be a stay home mom. He reinforces it constantly to me, when I think about and sometimes desire to go back into the workforce. He says, No! I know I am where I am supposed to be at this season of my life. I am so grateful God is in control of my life. I don't have to worry about anything. He has it all figured out! Hallelujah!!!!
I am grateful He gave me girls...they are minnie me's. Well, to be honest...Ally is minnie me. She is so matter of fact, sassy and smart just like I was when I was small. I knew what I wanted and how to get it!So many of her comments remind my mother of me. She also looks like me when I was small. I have a picture in my hallway of me and my brother. I was around 7 or 8 years old in the picture. I have a friend that came in to my home a month or so ago and asked..."Ally, who is that in this picture with you? " Ally said..."That's not me, that's my mommy." Elaine, my friend laughed when she realized it was me. Although, it definently could have passed for Ally.

Olivia is like her daddy...passive, low key, tolerant, sweet, and loving. Not to say that Ally and I are not sweet and loving. We know when to let the love flow! Me and the girls are the three muskateers. We stick together no matter what.
Before you think poor Paul...He has the best life! He gets a lot of love from Queen Bethany and his Princess' Olivia and Ally! God knew we needed sweet, loving girls to fulfill my joy and spoil Paul rotten!