Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter! My Lord is Risen!

Ally asked Jesus to come live in her heart today!

The girls dressed up for Easter!

Smelling the Easter Lily

My Lord Jesus Christ is Risen! Hallelujah! I can't wait to meet with Him in Heaven and sing praises FOREVER to Him! Singing is my passion. If you don't know, I am somewhat a perfectionist. I try hard to hit every note perfectly as I can...I had a solo for the Good Friday service at church. I felt God's peace take hold of me and I didn't care about hitting every not perfectly. I just had fun praising my God. I came home and told Paul "one day when I meet my Jesus in Heaven I won't have to try to hit every note perfectly...I will sing every note perfectly, singing praises to my King" I can't wait for the day.
This morning was a glorious Easter Morn at Church...Ally was saved today! Paul was on lights, and I was singing in choir during the invitation...There was a woman standing in the pew in front of her so she couldn't really see me. I saw her little head looking around the lady in front of her trying to get my attention. As I saw her, she kept nodding her head "Yes". I finally went down and spoke with her when she said..." Jesus is tugging at my heart, I want to be saved" so, we went down and she accepted Jesus into her heart! Both of my girls now have eternal life with Jesus. What a wonderful feeling knowing I will live in eternity with them in heaven. I began praying when they were born about their salvation daily in my quiet time. I also pray the prayers in the "The Power of Praying Parent's". What a wonderful book of prayers to teach you how to pray for your children. We have devotion before school every morning. I know prayer works. God cares more about their salvation than I do...and that must be a ton because I deeply care about that for them!

What a blessed day it has been!

1 comment:

  1. Praise The Lord! I am so happy for Ally! and I know ya'll are thrilled as well! And what a wonderful time to ask Jesus in your heart! YAY! Happy Easter!
