Sunday, April 5, 2009

Resurrection Eggs Days 1-5

Every year the girls and I enjoy "Resurrection Eggs". They are plastic Easter eggs that has an object inside the egg to tell the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. I plan on writing about one a day but wanted to get you up to date with where we are in the story. I plan on trying to keep these short so you are not spending a lot of time reading, but I wanted to get the message out about the true meaning of Easter. You can follow up reading on your own, the scripture I provide under each picture.
Day1- A lowly donkey was given to Jesus to ride into Jerusalem just before his death and resurrection. Read Matthew 21:1-9

Day 2- Judas accepted 30 silver coins for betraying Jesus into the hands of the Jewish leaders. Read: Matthew 26:14-16, 46-50, 27:1-5

Day 3- At Jesus' last supper with his disciples before He died on the cross, He used the cup of wine to explain His death. Christians still drink from a cup to remember Christ's blood poured out for us and our sins. Read: Matthew 26:17-19, 26-28 and Exodus 12:23

Day 4- Praying hands remind us that Jesus went to the Gardens of Gethsemane to pray with His disciples. Read: Mark 14:32-42

Day 5- After his trial by Pilate, the Roman soldiers used leather ropes with rocks and metal woven in to whip Jesus leaving 39 deep gashes in His skin.
Read: John 19:1-5 and Matthew 27:26-31
I will detail more every day in the last 7 eggs leading up to Easter this Sunday!

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