Thursday, April 23, 2009

Surprise Trip to Colorado

The girls were shocked when we revealed this board to them telling them we were all flying to Colorado this May. They have never been on an airplane and have been begging us to fly. Paul lived in Colorado for years and has been wanting to take us and show us around the Rocky Mountains. Watch the video below to capture the girls reaction to the "Surprise" They are used to "Family Meetings". So we called them in to make them think we needed to clear some things up that needed to change in our house. Olivia said she thought she was in trouble...hence the Taylor Swift remark in the video! Watch and see their reaction.

I loved Olivia's reaction at first...she thought she was in trouble about Taylor funny! but then you could tell she was stunned. Ally was absorbing all the information and then lights up with joy... That one part where Olivia hugs Ally she says to Ally "Come here you big ball of wonderful" of course Ally didn't like that! I love my girls!!!!!!!! Fun Times!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day

Today is Earth Day. It is just one day I can stop and be thankful for all that God has given me on Earth. We are truly blessed.

The girl's school (kindergarten - 4th grade) walked to the Bentonville Square this morning to celebrate Earth Day. It was a lot of fun. All the 2nd graders (Olivia) sang several songs. We ate our lunches there on the square and visited all the booths set up. Mayor McCaslin presented our school (RE Baker) with a plaque of congratulations on keeping Bentonville beautiful and our eagerness to always participate on Earth day. It was a gorgeous day to walk to the square. I was toggeling back and forth to spend the same amount of time with both of the girls.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

"Let's Rock" Children's Musical 2009

These are not the best picture's...but I forgot my "real" camera and had to settle for my Iphone camera. Our church children's choir (grades 1 - 6) puts on a children's musical every Spring. I am one of the children's choir teachers. I love teaching these children to sing for our Lord and worship Him! There is no greater joy I get than this. We begin in January and practice, practice, practice teaching them a whole play... 10 drama scenes and 10 songs with motions (choreography) they learn in only 11 weeks. Wow! They did a fabulous job tonight. I ended up running the motion lighting for the musical. I love running the lighting board... makes me feel I have control! Muwahaaa! Now I know how Paul feels sitting in that "Front of House" booth "giving us LIGHT"
The girls standing on the stage of "Rock Creek Park"
They really enjoyed performing for all the congregation. It was a wonderful musical and I know God received all the Glory tonight!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tanyard Creek Park

Today was the most perfect day to go to Tanyard Creek and hike on the trail

Ally is our monkey climber

This is my dad and step-mom. They sold their house in Bentonville and have purchased a house around the Nashville area. Isn't it so sweet how they are walking arm in arm. I had to capture the moment. I love this trail. It is a part of God's glorious creations!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter! My Lord is Risen!

Ally asked Jesus to come live in her heart today!

The girls dressed up for Easter!

Smelling the Easter Lily

My Lord Jesus Christ is Risen! Hallelujah! I can't wait to meet with Him in Heaven and sing praises FOREVER to Him! Singing is my passion. If you don't know, I am somewhat a perfectionist. I try hard to hit every note perfectly as I can...I had a solo for the Good Friday service at church. I felt God's peace take hold of me and I didn't care about hitting every not perfectly. I just had fun praising my God. I came home and told Paul "one day when I meet my Jesus in Heaven I won't have to try to hit every note perfectly...I will sing every note perfectly, singing praises to my King" I can't wait for the day.
This morning was a glorious Easter Morn at Church...Ally was saved today! Paul was on lights, and I was singing in choir during the invitation...There was a woman standing in the pew in front of her so she couldn't really see me. I saw her little head looking around the lady in front of her trying to get my attention. As I saw her, she kept nodding her head "Yes". I finally went down and spoke with her when she said..." Jesus is tugging at my heart, I want to be saved" so, we went down and she accepted Jesus into her heart! Both of my girls now have eternal life with Jesus. What a wonderful feeling knowing I will live in eternity with them in heaven. I began praying when they were born about their salvation daily in my quiet time. I also pray the prayers in the "The Power of Praying Parent's". What a wonderful book of prayers to teach you how to pray for your children. We have devotion before school every morning. I know prayer works. God cares more about their salvation than I do...and that must be a ton because I deeply care about that for them!

What a blessed day it has been!

Resurrection Egg Day 12

Day 12 Empty Tomb

Jesus's tomb was empty because He rose from the dead!

Read: Matthew 28: 5-8

This was a very special time! At the tomb, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary saw an angel, who told them not to be afraid. He said that no one had taken Jesus's body, but instead he had risen from the dead! The angel told them to go tell the disciples what they had seen, that Jesus was risen. Can you imagine how excited they were? They ran all the way home to tell the disciples the good news!

As He rose from the dead, Jesus did what no one had ever done before or since. Being both God and man he overcame sin, death, and hell. So, sin, death, and hell no longer have any real power over those who believe in Jesus and have His spirit leading them.

Like the tomb, our hearts are emtpy and lifeless without Jesus. But as we repent, believe, and trust in Jesus's death and resurrection, he fills our hearts with life and the Holy Spirit. As we read the Bible, the Holy Spirit can speak into our lives in powerful ways.
Now when you think of the empty tomb, remember that Jesus rose from the dead and is alive. he comes into empty, dead hearts and fills them with His Holy Spirit, giving new life!

I have enjoyed spending these days reflecting on the death, burial and resurrection. I know I learned more than I knew about His infinite plan of redemption.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Resurrection Egg Day 11

Day 11 Stone at the Tomb

The huge stone that covered the tomb was found rolled away.

Read: Matthew 28:1-3

A large stone-bigger than a door and as heavy as a car-was placed over the opening of a tomb to prevent the grave robbers from stealing the body of a dead person or valuables in the tomb that had belonged to the dead.

In the case of Jesus, the Pharisees were worried Jesus's disciples or other followeres would take the body, and then say Jesus had risen from the dead. In order to prevent this, Pilate had soldiers guard the tomb.

Pilate even had the soldiers close the tomb with an official Roman seal on the edge of the huge stone. Pilate and soldiers were sure this would keep the disciples from stealing Jesus's body because the penalty for breaking this seal was death.

When Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to the tomb of Jesus to anoint His body with spices, they were shocked to see that the stone had been moved away from the tomb. The soldiers were even gone, and all that the women found in the tomb was Jesus's empty grave clothes! They were fearful and didn't remember Jesus had told them He would rise from the dead. If only they'd remembered Jesus's words. They would have had faith instead of fear and confusion. Are there things in your life that cause you to be afraid and confused?

God wants you to remember His words. His words give us faith, hope, joy, courage, and direction-even when life is scary or confusing. Words about the stone being miraculously rolled away and about Jesus's resurrection from the dead are the most encouraging and hopegiving words a Christian could ever have!

See you tomorrow for the conclusion Day 12!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Resurrection Egg Day 10 "Good Friday"

Day 10 Linen Wrapping

Joseph of Arimathea wrapped the body of Jesus in a linen cloth after He died on the cross.

Read: Matthew 27:57-61

Some Jewish leaders secretly believed Jesus was the Messiah (their Savior) but didn't want anyone to know of their belief. The Bible tells us that Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus, both members of the Jewish leadership group, believed Jesus was the Son of God and trusted Him for their salvation. But they were afraid that if anyone knew they believed, they might be killed, too.
However it seems that after Jesus died on the cross, they couldn't hide their faith any longer. Isn't it exciting to know that Joseph from Arimathea loved Jesus so much he was willing to put his own life in danger?

Joseph was a very rich man and wanted His Lord Jesus to be buried in a proper manner. So Joseph went to Pilate and got the body of Jesus to bury Him in a nice tomb that he owned. After bringing the body to this tomb, Joseph wrapped Jesus in linen cloth. That was the way the Jews prepared bodies for burial in order to keep or preserve them. But little did they know that this was not needed for Jesus!

Joseph's courage and love for Jesus were really amazing! God must be pleased when we love Him enough to risk the things we own, even our very lives, to stand with Him. Will you be courageous and stand with Jesus?

See you tomorrow for Day 11!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Resurrection Egg Day 9

Day 9 Soldier's Spear

Roman soldiers used a spear to pierce Jesus's side when He was on the cross.

Read: John 19:31-37

Here is an amazing fact about Jesus's death: When people were put to death on the cross, it was common for Roman soldiers to break their legs. With broken legs, people could not hold themselves up to keep from suffocating, and would die more quickly.

Two robbers were crucified with Jesus, one on each side of Him. The soldiers broke the legs of the first robber. Then they broke the legs of the other robber. But when they got ot Jesus, they saw that He was already dead. So they decided there was no reason to break his legs. That is amazing! Do you know that God foretold hundreds of years before in Psalm 34:20 that this would happen? It says, "He keeps all his bones, not one of them is broken." Jesus gave up his life and died before the soldiers could even get to Him.

Because the soldiers had to make absolutely sure He was dead, they pierced Him in the side with a spear. When they did, out came water and blood. That was the proof they needed to show Jesus had died. And it's proof to us as well. The water and blood mixture that poured out from the spear wound in Jesus' side makes it absolutely clear that Jesus did really die.

Jesus must have loved us so much that He died in our place!

See you tomorrow for day 10!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Resurrection Egg Day 8

Day 8- Gambling with Dice

The Roman soldiers used dice to gamble for Jesus's robe.

Read: John 19:23-25

Jesus hardly owned anything in this world. So, when the soldiers gambled for Jesus's clothes at the cross, it was sad that they were so selfish and cared so little for Him.

Jesus shows us what to do when others wrong us. He actually asked forgiveness from His father for the soldiers who were about to crucify Him. Luke 23:24 tells us what He prayed: "Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing." We know from God's Word, the Bible, that we need to pray for our enemies. We are also told that we need to forgive them, just as Jesus showed us.

See you tomorrow for day 9!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Resurrection Egg Day 7

Day 7 - Nails in the Cross

Three large nails were driven into Jesus's hands and feet to nail Him to the cross.

Read John 19:16-22

Jesus died so our sins could be forgiven and so we could live forever with God. In Romans 3:23 the Bible says, "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."

In the beginning, God created Adam and Eve and gave them the freedom to choose. Sadly, when given the choice to obey God, they chose to disobey Him instead. The result was that Adam and Eve were separated from God. And as offspring of Adam and Eve we are born sinful and separated from God. We also willfully disobey or rebel against God every day, which makes it clear we are sinners all on our own.

God does not sin. He is perfect and holy. He hates sin. So maybe you understand why our sin keeps us from God. Our sin separates us from Him.

Here's the good news!

God the Father provided only one way to escape the punishment of sin by sending His only Son, Jesus, to die. Jesus received the death that sinners like us deserve. Because Jesus is the perfect Son of God, only He could be punished in the place of sinners like us! By His death on the cross, Jesus built a bridge for believers across the the canyon of sin and separation.

Would you like to have a relationship with Jesus, be forgiven for all your sins, and live forever with God in heaven? If you are willing to repent or turn away from your sins and believe in Jesus and His death on the cross for sinners, just tell Him right now. He promises that if you turn and trust only in Him, He will forgive you and make you clean inside. Daily ask for help from the Holy Spirit, who Jesus gives to Christians to help us obey God every day.

Thank you Jesus for dying for my sins on the cross to give me abudant life for eternity with you.

See you tomorrow for Day 8!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Resurrection Egg Day 6

Day 6- Crown of Thorns

The soldiers who crucified Jesus placed a crown of thorns on His head, so they could mock Him by saying, "Hail, King of the Jews!"

Read Matthew 27:29-31

The Roman Guards did not love God. They rejected Jesus as God. They teased, taunted, hit, and beat Him. They made a crown out of sharp thorns, put it on Jesus' head, kneeled before him, and teased Him by saying, "Hail, King of the Jews!" even though they didn't believe He was a king. And then they spit on Him and took a strong, hollow stick called a reed to beat Jesus on the head. They crushed the crown of thorns into his Head and caused Him to bleed badly. And still, Jesus showed them the love of God by forgiving and praying for them.

The Bible says if you love God, you will love others. So if you don't love others, you show that you really don't love God. Remember, too, when you experience the thorns of others' hatred toward you, that Jesus responded in love even when He was hated and treated terribly. Take a moment and thank Jesus for all that He has done for you.

See you tomorrow for Day 7!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Resurrection Eggs Days 1-5

Every year the girls and I enjoy "Resurrection Eggs". They are plastic Easter eggs that has an object inside the egg to tell the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. I plan on writing about one a day but wanted to get you up to date with where we are in the story. I plan on trying to keep these short so you are not spending a lot of time reading, but I wanted to get the message out about the true meaning of Easter. You can follow up reading on your own, the scripture I provide under each picture.
Day1- A lowly donkey was given to Jesus to ride into Jerusalem just before his death and resurrection. Read Matthew 21:1-9

Day 2- Judas accepted 30 silver coins for betraying Jesus into the hands of the Jewish leaders. Read: Matthew 26:14-16, 46-50, 27:1-5

Day 3- At Jesus' last supper with his disciples before He died on the cross, He used the cup of wine to explain His death. Christians still drink from a cup to remember Christ's blood poured out for us and our sins. Read: Matthew 26:17-19, 26-28 and Exodus 12:23

Day 4- Praying hands remind us that Jesus went to the Gardens of Gethsemane to pray with His disciples. Read: Mark 14:32-42

Day 5- After his trial by Pilate, the Roman soldiers used leather ropes with rocks and metal woven in to whip Jesus leaving 39 deep gashes in His skin.
Read: John 19:1-5 and Matthew 27:26-31
I will detail more every day in the last 7 eggs leading up to Easter this Sunday!