Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Sam Update

I will try to post all the updates as soon as I get them about the little boy, Sam who had a brain tumor. In this update there is not alot to say...they are taking one day at a time. The email that was sent from his mom, Susie follows...
Hi Bethany,
Thanks for the note. This is unthinkable. we had some good days since the initial diagnosis...we weren't sure if it was operable considering the location, etc. So a fairly successful surgery was a good first step for us. Watching him go through this is sad for me. He did have a good day today, because Jackson came to visit and he was like a new little boy. We will definently add you to our update list. We may not send one out everyday, but we will try. It is absolutely wonderful that you added him to the prayer list. It has been comforting to know there are so many people pulling for the little guy. I will let you know if there is anything you can help us with. Lucky for us my mom and step dad are in Bella Vista, so my daughter is taken care of. So many people have pitched in to help - it is quite touching.
Thanks again for the note. We do appreciate your prayers.
Please continue to pray for Sam. I saw a picture of him yesterday with mom eating lunch in the cafeteria at the hospital. It broke my heart, seeing him in his wheel chair with mom on his side. I couldn't imagine that being one of my children. Yet, here is a mother holding on to her child hoping he will pull through and be healed. God can touch him. He is hearing all of our prayers. I will send other updates as I get them. Thank you prayer warriors!

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