We stayed home for Spring Break this year. We needed the rest and relaxation of some down time.The girls had a great week. Here's a break down of what we did:
Monday: Pajama Day! Play outside on trampoline. Had a nice picnic in our big backyard with the wind and dog...Ally's tomatoes flew off her plate and Zozo our dog caught them and ate them! HA!
Tuesday: The girls went to a friends house and played all day, while I stayed home and had some great quiet time with God!
Wednesday: Picked up Susie Q Burgers and ate lunch with Daddy, then went shopping together.
Thursday: Spring Cleaning, they helped clean the whole house! They did an excellent job, Yippe!
Friday: (Today) Rest and movie day!
Saturday: Well, we're gonna see how much snow we get. Cook: 15 bean cajun soup, play games and watch movies.
Sunday: Worship the King in His Sanctuary! My favorite day...teach Children's choir
School will start back Monday. AND
I surprised Paul with a Weber Charcoal Grill. He has been begging for a Weber grill for a couple years. I went to Home Depot, purchased it, loaded it up, brought it home and unloaded it in the garage where he parks his car. When he arrived home that day and pushed the remote for the garage to open...well, he was surprised there was a Nice Weber Grill waiting for him! I didn't get a good picture of his face. You can imagine he was shocked! There it is sitting next to the gas grill. We grilled the most delicious hamburgers on it. I am sold on Charcoal Grills!
Sounds like a good week! Happy birthday!! And I'm impressed with the nice setup that the Weber grill came with!