My mom and brother traveled from Memphis to visit us this weekend. They arrived here lastnight during the middle of "Private Practice". We are planning on having a fun-filled day today while the girls are at school and while my wonderful husband is at work providing for his family. ...Thank You Honey for all that you do, I wish you could be hangin with us today! I love you.
We are going to go eat lunch, shop, relax and catch up. Really, I talk to my mom SEVERAL times a DAY. If I didn't she would freak out and drive up here to see what was going on with us. So, to save her the time of driving 6 hours and freaking out along the way and to save me the lecture of not answering my phone and the freaking out...or as she used to say when I was small..."I'm gonna build a shoe shop up your butt." I'd rather call each morning. Yes, I would say she is a little over-protective, Actually, she calls for her only grand children, Olivia and Ally. She is in love with them. I can't tell you how many times I hear..."Please watch their hands when you get in the car,,,don't slam the door on their fingers." Ok Mom!
She has a phobia over closing fingers in doors. One morning, when I was small, she accidentally slammed my fingers in the car door. As if that wasn't enough, she pulled me out of the car in horror of what she had done and swung me around in the front yard like a rag doll. The neighbor heard all the screaming and comotion and couldn't get his pants on fast enough and out his front door to see what was going on with us. I thought he was going to fall down his porch steps or have a heart attack. It wasn't a hoot then, I was really dizzy and my fingers hurt. She had scrambled my eggs. I couldn't decide which ache to think about.
Oh Yes, I could tell you many more stories like that! I'll save the embarrassment for my mom.
We, as parents try our best to raise wonderful children. Mom, God just really had to intervene to help you with us!
I lead the 1st graders in a program this morning at school. They are so cute! Our program was called "Let It Snow" All the kids had a speaking part. I choreographed movements to the song "Let It Snow" They wore scarves and winter hats and threw up snow (cottonballs). That didn't sound right, they didn't throw up; like puke. Their hands threw the snow up in the air! They recited 3 winter poems; "Snowball", "Poor Mr. Snowman" and "The Impatient Snowman". They did a wonderful job. My mom and brother came to see the program at school because Ally was in it. They saw her "SHINE" on stage. Way to go, Ally!
Happy Birthday Paige!

Today is my sister-in-law's birthday. Paige, I hope you have a wonderful Birthday. We love you and pray blessings on your special day.
"You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb. You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed."
Psalm 139: 13, 15, 16