Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sweet, Sweet Ally and her Gifted and Talented Class

I sat down for lunch today at work to enjoy my lunch with my students. I opened my lunch box and was most pleasantly surprised to see this note. It was a wonderful surprise! I couldn't help but to thank God above for caring, wonderful girls! I am so blessed!

As most of you know, Ally was accepted into the gifted and talented program at school. One of her teachers sent me an email today. It follows:

"As part of our visual/spatial stand of our Thinking Outside the Box (TOB) class, we have been working with tangrams and analyzing how to put them together to make geometric shapes. Today we moved on to outline shapes of pictures that went with our story about tangrams. Allyson was working very quickly through all of them and seemed to be able to visualize what was needed – a certain piece or a flip, rotation, or spin of the piece. She is very quiet and was not making a big production about being finished but I noticed how easily she was doing them. When she got to the harder ones she didn’t complain but just kept plugging away. I love to see our children’s minds work. What a joy!"
Miss Stringfield

I am so proud of you Ally! Keep up the great work.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

"Blessing Received!"

I haven't fallen off the face of the Earth...just been so busy teaching my sweet students. I have to say I all ready love all 18 of them! I had a great 1st week with them. I have one little girl (I'll call her Mary) in my class that refuses to go home with mom every afternoon. She tries new tactics to make mom go away! This past Thursday she saw mom come in the classroom to pick her up from school...Mary jumped under the table and refused to go with mom. She said to mom "I'm not going home with you...I'm going home with Mrs. Bethany." I eventually got under the table with her and persuaded her to go with mom.

I have also enjoyed getting to know the parents. God continues to bless me daily. I work with the most loving teachers. Since I have been there, they have welcomed me with open arms. I am so thankful for God's blessing on my life. One of my favorite verses is Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths." I could have not listened to God and ignored his spirit in my soul in regards to applying for this job...I was content being a home mom...but in the end "leaning on my own understanding"...would have thrown God's wonderful blessing of this job away. That's why the verse says..."Trust in the Lord with all your heart and not in your understanding." He wants us to receive his blessings daily. Who wouldn't want that? Has he stamped your calendar for today..."Blessing Received!"

Thursday, August 27, 2009

God continue's to Bless!

These are only a few pictures of my classroom. I will post others later. These really do not do my room justice but I wanted to include pictures with this post...so this is what you get! A view of my classroom
Outside my classroom. Those are frogs on lily pads with my kids names on them.

My Circle Time Area!
It has been a busy week my first week at work (school). A lot of meetings! Open house was great yesterday! I can't wait to start teaching my kids.
Today God opened another door for me at school. The lady that had been leading the music programs had surgery and therefore cannot teach this year. I was told that I will be taking her position as well as teaching my class. So, I will be directing music for the preschoolers as well. As overwhelming as that may be...I know God has equipped me to follow through with His plan! He will give me all the tools I need to lead his precious children in music this year! Praise the Lord, because I know I am so unworthy of this job. I also know I cannot complete it in my own strength. I'm so glad I have Him to call on for strength. What would I do without Him? I love Him so much!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Happy Birthday Olivia!

Today is Olivia Grace 9th Birthday!

Paul and I tried for 3 1/2 years to conceive a baby. I went to numerous fertility specialist's and cried many tears thinking I would never succeed in becoming pregnant. Then on December 18, 1999 I became pregnant. It was way to early for a pregnancy test to confirm it, but I knew within my heart God had blessed us with a baby. I loved being pregnant with her. I treated myself to gravy and biscuit very morning at Hardees. Then off to work I would go to the Oncology Clinic. I was a doctor assistant and loved it. Olivia was born August 15, 2000 and I became a very fulfilled stay at home mom.

Olivia, I fell inlove with you the moment I laid eyes on you and held you in my arms. Today, you are growing into a wonderful, sweet, and caring young lady. I have seen God work in your life the last year delivering you from many fears. I see you reading your bible at night before bedtime. We are so glad God gave you to us. You are our miracle! We love you so much!

I will post more pictures later today of the birthday party. We are taking her to Abuelo's for dinner tonight. She got her ears pierced as one of her birthday presents from us and $50 cash to spend. We are having another "Birthday Luau" celebration with her friends on Aug. 29th.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

New Job Teaching!

I changed my blog design because all three of The Patrick Girls are going to school. I'm teaching and attending school and the girls are in 2nd and 3rd grade. It's going to be a Fantastic year! Olivia on her first day of 3rd grade!
Ally on her first day of 2nd grade!
I have been so busy with our new schedule I haven't found any time to write a post. The girls got off to a great start at school this past week. Ally is in 2nd grade and Olivia 3rd grade. They love their teachers. I do too! I have also started teaching Pre K at "My Friends and Me" preschool. I have my own classroom and get to decorate it the way I want! Yippy! Usually in preschool's you are directed in your room to do what the director wants...well, I have been blessed to be able to come in this preschool and plan, give ideas to other teachers, and decorate my room. The director and I are talking about incorporating a music program...which I will direct. I have taught preschool/elementary choir for more than 5 years. My class name is "the Friendly Frogs" I came up with a bulletin board idea that says "Look who's hopping into preschool!" I have a blue background for water, then put my kids names on frogs and posted them to the lily pads on the board. I put a sign above my door that says "Welcome to My Pad!" I love teaching...I love coming up with new ideas and brainstorming! On top of teaching I will be going to school to get my CDA to complete my child development certification.
Here's the story of God giving me this job:
One Saturday morning Paul was in the kitchen cooking crepes. He is a wonderful cook. That's a God thing too, but I'll save that story for another day. I was sitting at the kitchen table looking for a rat cage for the girls pet rats cinnamon and caramel. Wait...that didn't sound right. I wasn't looking for a rat cage for the girls! Let me make that clear before DHS shows up on my door step. Their rats are currently in a small aquarium and need more room. I was looking at the newpaper on the laptop. I clicked on classified and saw a job listing for a lead 3 yr old teacher. Let me make this clear...I am content being a home mom, so I wasn't looking for work but God burdened me as I read the ad. I left the table, went to my room and prayed about that job. I continued to feel God moving me toward it. So, I told God I would go Monday and apply for it. I did. There were so many others there as well applying for the position. I gave it to God, because like I said, I am happy at home caring for my family. I was in a win/win situation. I went for my interview on a Thursday morning. As I walked through the front doors, I noticed the board room with women around it meeting. I knew they were interviewing another girl for the position. That's when the fear set in. I had butterflies and almost walked right back out the door. But it was then and there God whispered to me..."Isaiah 26:3 "You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you." I have expereienced God's peace on many occasions. I knew that now I would have those butterflies but when I stepped the first foot in that room to be interviewed He would give me His Ultimate Peace! I stayed and waited for my turn and once the door opened for me to be interviewed His peace fell from heaven and saturated the room. I felt at home with all of these ladies. I was still not confident that I had the job. They had interviewed others previously that week. The board executive said during my interview "we only hire teachers with degrees" I replied...I don't have a degree, I have been taking classes as I could afford it..but I have a ways to go to get my certification." I was thinking maybe this job isn't meant to be. They told me as the interviewd had ended that they would call me later the next week with a decision. Two hours after my interview they called me giving me the job AND offering to send me through school for my last two years for FREE! Now, That is a GOD THING! As I sit here and type this I have goose bumps over me because God is SO FAITHFUL! I have been praying for years to be able to go to school and become a teacher. This has been my dream since I was 5 years old. This is not a normal everyday thing that happens. This is a miracle. I can't stop telling God how GOOD He is! He is So Good! All the time!

So as I end this post I will try to write as often as I can. Just know I love you all.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


I was cleaning off Ally's desk tonight in the school room at home and found this beautiful drawing of me and words she used to describe me. It reads:

"Mom, you are AWSUME! Mom you are AMAZING. I can't describe you cause you are beautiful! When I look at you I can't believe my eyes. Cause you are everything to me."

I couldn't help but smile from ear to ear when I read those words. As a mother, my children regularly give me encouragement. I am blessed, so blessed to stay home with them. My spiritual gift is encouragement. It comes natural to me. I can't help but to praise and encourage others. No wonder Olivia and Ally are encouragers, they learn it in the home!

Ally, thank you for the beautiful picture and words of encouragement! I love you!!!!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Pancake Wiener!

"Pig in a blanket"
Ally and Olivia were playing outside this evening with their friends Alexis, and Brittany, across the street. Olivia came in crying. She came to me and I asked her what was wrong.
She said, "Ally fell down outside, I went to help her up, but Brittany got there first. I told Brittany "I am her sister, let me help her." Brittany started screaming at me, calling me names, like loser, and 10 other names. Before I could think, I screamed back at her Pancake Wiener!"
Well, I first began to talk to her about letting her light shine for Jesus instead of stooping low to Brittany's games. Then I had to ask...Olivia, what is a pancake wiener? That's when Paul chimed in...I think she meant "pig in a blanket." It was that moment I looked at Olivia, then Paul and died laughing...Paul died laughing...Olivia died laughing. The crying stopped and we were all laughing! I could just imagine Olivia getting all frustrated. She was hurt by the cruel words her friend spoke to her and felt she had to get even by calling her a really bad name!
I'm so grateful my children do not know the words in the "Hell Book." You know what I'm referring too. Paul and I try our best to model Christ in our daily lives. If those words are not healthy for my children to use I don't want them coming out of my mouth either, much less my ears hearing them. I'm not glad she chose to call her friend a name, but pancake wiener is a lot better word than most kids speak these days. And, yes, I did make her go and apologize to her friend for calling her "pancake wiener."
Thank you Lord for my sweet girls. Help them to honor you daily!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

A Book of Blessings!

I didn't mean to write a book. I just began to list gratefulness...Two things I am grateful for...it ended up being long!
Paul and I...

God is so good to us. Lately, every night Paul and I have been going to bed reading our bibles. Our bibles sit on each of our night stands. We can't get enough of God's word! Isn't that a blessing! The blessing is...knowing our girls see us as a couple, as their parents, love Jesus with all our hearts, soaked in His word and conversing about it together. The girls know God is first in our lives, in our marriage. It's a joy to be able to sit in bed with my husband and have conversations about the Lord and His faithful promises! I have prayed so long for this moment. I relish it!
Thank you Lord for your answered prayer, for drawing Paul close to you...for teaching him how to love me and the girls...for you are pure love...for molding him into your likeness...for giving him a desire to serve and worship you...for his desire to read your word and apply it daily...for making him a new man than he was when I first met him...he is a better man...a patient, loving, God fearing man...something only you could do and I praise you for that. Thank you for teaching him to be the leader of our home and for teaching me to step back and let him fulfill your plan in that role...Thank you for giving me hope everyday not to stop praying for Paul, when I was ready to give up...You are so evident in our marriage, family and lives. I wouldn't trade it for anything!

Me and the Girls...

They are my joy! I look back over the years when Paul and I first moved to Arkansas 12 years ago without any children...and think "Wow" God is so good to us! He is so good to me to be able to stay home with the girls and teach them. I am so undeserving, yet He has called me to be a stay home mom. He reinforces it constantly to me, when I think about and sometimes desire to go back into the workforce. He says, No! I know I am where I am supposed to be at this season of my life. I am so grateful God is in control of my life. I don't have to worry about anything. He has it all figured out! Hallelujah!!!!
I am grateful He gave me girls...they are minnie me's. Well, to be honest...Ally is minnie me. She is so matter of fact, sassy and smart just like I was when I was small. I knew what I wanted and how to get it!So many of her comments remind my mother of me. She also looks like me when I was small. I have a picture in my hallway of me and my brother. I was around 7 or 8 years old in the picture. I have a friend that came in to my home a month or so ago and asked..."Ally, who is that in this picture with you? " Ally said..."That's not me, that's my mommy." Elaine, my friend laughed when she realized it was me. Although, it definently could have passed for Ally.

Olivia is like her daddy...passive, low key, tolerant, sweet, and loving. Not to say that Ally and I are not sweet and loving. We know when to let the love flow! Me and the girls are the three muskateers. We stick together no matter what.
Before you think poor Paul...He has the best life! He gets a lot of love from Queen Bethany and his Princess' Olivia and Ally! God knew we needed sweet, loving girls to fulfill my joy and spoil Paul rotten!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Your love is deep, high, long, wide!

God has Never let me down. He is faithful to the end. I look back over my life and see all the unfortunate trauma's I endured as a child and growing into a young lady...trauma's no child should ever have to endure, but God used all of those circumstances to mold me and teach me of His perfect plan for my life. He has always been there for me...He is faithful, even when I am not.

You continually put your word on my lips. My tongue shall praise you all the days of my life.
Your love is deep, high, long, and wide!

Your love is deep
Your love is high
Your love is long
Your love is wide

Your love is deeper than my view of grace.
Higher than this worldly place
Longer than this road I've traveled
Wider than the gap you've filled.

Who shall separate us...Who shall separate us from your love? Nothing can separate us...Nothing can separate us from your love!
Your love is deep
your love is high
Your love is long
Your love is wide

Romans 8:38-39
"And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God's love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow-not even the powers of hell can separate us from God's love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below-indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord."

All I have to say is ...hallelujah! I am so thankful nothing, absolutely nothing can separate me from God's Perfect Love! I am HIS...signed, sealed and delivered, I'm yours!

Thank you Lord for your grace, mercy, blessing's, and love each and every day. I know I don't deserve them.
I Love you!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day, Daddy.
Thank you for working hard at your job. Thank you for keeping our yard pretty. Thank you for blowing up the waterslide, so we can have fun and play. Thank you for loving mommy and letting her stay home to take care of us. You make us laugh and have good times. You are everything good in us. Thank you for having a giving heart. We love you so much.
Love, Olivia and Allyson Click on the Link below, It's a video called
"I'll Need You Daddy".


First of all I have to say Happy Father's Day to my wonderful husband. Paul, God has taught you how to be a wonderful, attentive, responsible, fun-loving dad to our girls. I love you and look forward to the future memories we will make with our family.

To the other father's and father-n-laws in our lives...We love you so much. Our family would not be complete without you being apart of it. We pray you will continue to love the Lord your God and serve Him faithfully daily. Relax and enjoy this special day.
Love and Blessings,

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Paul's parent's Bob and Ann came to visit us from memphis, TN this past week for grandparent's day at school. We had a great time. They arrived Tuesday, June 9th. She had a wonderful idea to cook Muffaleta's for dinner, along side Guacamole, cheese dip and chips. those who love Muffaletta's like I do know what makes the sandwich...the relish! Her's are wonderful! We took a walk through tanyard Creek and came back for a birthday party for Bob. he turned 71 June 1st. Wednesday, was grandparent's day at school so the girls got to show nana and papaw around their turf! We then came home for a nap and went to dinner at Colton's. I love their baked sweet potatoes. We took them to church after dinner. I had choir practice, Paul showed them around church. Then Thursday they were headed back home. We walked to the waterfall at Tanyard Creek. They loved it.
Miss. Davis is Ally's 1st grade teacher at school.

Papaw looking at Olivia's work at school.

We had a great time with both of you...can't wait to see you again in July in your neck of the woods!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Colorado Friday

Our day Friday, May 29, 2009 in Colorado Springs.

I think you can tell from the picture where we went...The Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. It truely is the best zoo I have ever toured. We actually got to feed and pet the giraffe's. The giraffe's were the first thing we saw when we entered the zoo. Then...

We decided to hop on the sky lift at the zoo. It was way cool and gave us a chance to see where we wanted to go first at the zoo.

This is a picture of us coming back down in the sky lift...same thing as a ski lift.

The most beautiful three musketeers I bet you've seen.
At the top of the mountain zoo looking down

I know it's a bit blurry... Olivia riding the zoo carousel. Ally rode a real horse but Olivia has a broken arm, so she had to settle for the carousel. Despite her facial expression, she really enjoyed it.
Ally riding her horse at the zoo

Daddy orangutan at the zoo.

I'll break down what we did...

We started out eating a wonderful breakfast at our hotel, then headed for the zoo...came back to the hotel for a quick rest and swim. We then headed out to sight-see Colorado Springs. I got to see where Paul was stationed at Fort Carson when he was in the Army, many years ago. We ended up eating dinner at Old Chicago...Yummy! and went to the mall to shop for souvenirs. We had a great day!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Colorado Thursday

This is our day Thursday, May 28, 2009 in Colorado Springs...
We left denver and headed straight to Colorado Springs. The first thing we all wanted to see was Pikes Peak.
It was breath-taking! Being 14,000 feet in the air. I couldn't believe God has this view all the time. I always carry a small bible in my purse. I couldn't wait to get up to the top and shout Praises to God! This is why it is so important to memorize scripture...To Worship the King!

Pike's Peak

Our family picture of us up on Pike's Peak!

You will be able to tell that Ally LOVES getting her picture taken

Isn't this a beautiful picture of the girls?!!! I love it. I am so blessed!

Paul wrote the girls name on the side of Pike's Peak! That was cool!
Me and the girls! It is VERY cold up there, but very worth the sight
Paul and the girls on Pike's Peak! My precious family!

We then had to go to Garden of the God's. That was very beautiful too.

" Little Miss Photogenic" at Garden of the Gods
The vast beauty fo Garden of the Gods

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Denver, Colorado Tuesday

Escalators going to the subway for baggage claim.

The Denver state capital building is breath-taking. It is so beautiful inside! We saw the state Supreme Court, Legislative and Senate. A must see if you go to Denver.

This is the inside of Casa Bonita.

The waterfall and skit they were performing before diving into the cold water.

Tuesday morning at 11:00 we landed in Denver, Colorado. The girls did great on the plane...it was me that needed help! Every seat was taken in the plane. I am claustophobic and Olivia had to have a window seat so I was stuck in the middle of her and another lady. It was hot on the plane...so right a way I began feeling nauseated and dizzy. Let's just say I was glad to land get off that plane!
We then went downtown and toured the state Capital Building. We tried to get in to see the U.S Mint. (where they make money) but it was booked for two months. We decided to head to our hotel.
We made it our hotel and got settled in...we then went to dinner at Casa Bonita. It was so much fun. We were there for at least 3 hours. Of course as you can tell with the name it is mexican food. I love mexican! While you are eating dinner, you watch a show. There is a waterfall in the restaurant wit actors that dive off in the water, flame throwers, arcade, gift shop, haunted cave (that was cool, we went through the cave a couple times). The girls got to break a pinata and grab candy. We had a blast Tuesday. I will let you know what we did the rest of the week daily. Check back for Wednesday fun!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

My Kids Are Driving Me CRAZY!

Well, It's time for "The Patrick VACATION". My kids are so excited about leaving in the morning and flying to Colorado for a week that they have officially lost their minds...It started with them putting the dog on the kitchen island (so she will jump off and break her legs)...Ally standing up on the back of the couch so she could fall off and break her head...and finally Olivia grabbing the tape and taping Ally to her desk chair, round and round again. It looked like a crime scene! They have lost it. All I have to say is...Lord, please help me keep my sanity!

I will keep you updated on the trip when I return...if I don't lose my mind there! ha! I am not bringing the laptop with me to update my blog because I need a true vacation!


I will continue to keep you updated on Sam when I receive updated emails from Susie(mom)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Sam Update 2

I received this update on Sam today from his mom, Susie. Please continue to pray for him and his family! They need all the prayers they can get...

The MRI shows that the tumor has spread to the spine and there may be some left in the brain - enough that would warrant a 2nd surgery if it is a tumor and not a blood clot - the doctors are not yet sure. Not sure when we will hear a decision on that.
Pathology came back yesterday -- it is medulloblasta (malignant). He will require 6 weeks of radiation, followed by 8 mos. of chemo, because this tumor always comes back without rad/chemo. It has a 70% 5-year survival rate with this therapy.
We won't know when the radiation will start until we know if there will be another surgery. At the latest, it will have to start 42 days following the initial surgery. One of us will have to get an apartment in Little Rock for the duration of the radiation and Sam will be out of school for a year (there is school in the hospital).
We do plan to do radiation treatments here, as there is a state of the art radiation facility here - one of a handful in the country. Chemo will take place in LR 3 days a month and the remainder back home (as long as there are no major complications)
We still don't know when we will come home - he needs extensive physical therapy - but we may be able to do it as an outpatient at home. We are hoping to know by the end of the day, but may have to wait for a consult on the 2nd surgery. Seems like everything is out of control! Good news is that he is eating better, adn brushed his own teeth (while the physical therapist held him up).
he had to have a CT scan while Steve and I was meeting with the oncologist because he tried to walk without help and hit his head on the wheelchair. I'm sure he feels even less control than we do.
Thank to everyone for your continued support, prayers, notes, gifts, everything. The oncologist heard about Sam before he even got his file because people who heard our story called the doctor to let him know about Sam!

I will keep you updated when I receive information. Just keep praying...God is hearing! He is working, we may not see it at this moment but he has a plan for Sam, and his family!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Sam Update

I will try to post all the updates as soon as I get them about the little boy, Sam who had a brain tumor. In this update there is not alot to say...they are taking one day at a time. The email that was sent from his mom, Susie follows...
Hi Bethany,
Thanks for the note. This is unthinkable. we had some good days since the initial diagnosis...we weren't sure if it was operable considering the location, etc. So a fairly successful surgery was a good first step for us. Watching him go through this is sad for me. He did have a good day today, because Jackson came to visit and he was like a new little boy. We will definently add you to our update list. We may not send one out everyday, but we will try. It is absolutely wonderful that you added him to the prayer list. It has been comforting to know there are so many people pulling for the little guy. I will let you know if there is anything you can help us with. Lucky for us my mom and step dad are in Bella Vista, so my daughter is taken care of. So many people have pitched in to help - it is quite touching.
Thanks again for the note. We do appreciate your prayers.
Please continue to pray for Sam. I saw a picture of him yesterday with mom eating lunch in the cafeteria at the hospital. It broke my heart, seeing him in his wheel chair with mom on his side. I couldn't imagine that being one of my children. Yet, here is a mother holding on to her child hoping he will pull through and be healed. God can touch him. He is hearing all of our prayers. I will send other updates as I get them. Thank you prayer warriors!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Please Pray for Sam...

Sam is a little boy in Olivia's 2nd grade class. Last week he began vomiting at school. Thinking it was a stomach bug he went home from school early. A couple days later he was still vomiting at home. His mom took him to the doctor and they found a brain tumor. He was rushed to Children's Hospital in Little Rock. The tumor has been removed but the doctors believe it is cancer. He will undergo chemo soon. Please pray for Sam, his family and RE Baker Elementary. Olivia's class is heartbroken for this fellow student and friend.

Specifically pray...

*God will give the doctors and surgeons wisdom to help Sam.

* God will comfort and bring peace to the family.

* God will show Himself and make His presence known to all the staff at the hospital.

* God will bring comfort and peace to the students at school.

*I don't know if this family has a relationship with Christ, but pray for God to send someone to draw them to Him! Pray for their salvation.

*and ultimately, Pray for God's Will to be done.

I can't begin to imagine what this family is feeling. The roller coaster they will begin and endure for months. We don't know why God allows certain tragedies to come through our lives. I know God will receive the glory in the end. Nothing comes to us without going through His hands first. Thank you Lord for having a plan for our lives. Thank you for your Sovereignty. Thank you for loving us so much to die for us that we may spend eternity with you!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Thankful for a broken arm!

Olivia's beautiful cast.

Dr Cooper setting the cast.

She is a trooper! This contraption is to try to straighten the broken bones out as much as possible, so Dr. Copper could put the broken bones back in place before he molded the cast to her wrist.
She broke both wrist bones. The doctor said "You did a doozy"!

Xrays show "Closed Fracture of Lower End of Radius with Ulna" and the other fracture is "Fracture of Distal End of Radius and Ulna"
My terms "Full broke wrist"

Let me take a minute and tell you about how this happened and her being a testimony to the doctors and staff at Mercy Hospital. This might be a little long and I apologize for those who enjoy short stories but stay with me, this will bless you!
She was riding her scooter outside with friends. She lost her balance and went crashing onto the sidewalk. She reached out her right arm to catch herself, when it snapped her wrist into. Pretty standard! Her friend came to the door and rang the doorbell and said "Mrs. Patrick, would you please come, Olivia is hurt really bad." Believe it or not I didn't panic. God was all ready working His peace in both me and Olivia. She wasn't crying either. She was laying down on the sidewalk like she was dead... but she calmly stated as I walked up to her. Mom, I broke my arm." I squatted beside her and said "yes, Ma'am you did! I was trying to figure out how to get her up to the car without moving her arm. That's when God sent an angel... This lady came over to help. She did everything fast and perfectly. She wrapped Olivia's arm up and tied it as a sling around her neck. Ally ran in to get ice and shoes. I grabbed my purse and we were off to the hospital.
We got to the hospital, they immediatley took her back to a room. She had and x-ray within 10 minutes of being there and had an IV inserted to start her Morphine. Still, she wasn't crying. Not one complaint came out of her mouth. I told her as we were sitting there "Olivia, God knew you were going to break your arm this morning when you got up to get ready for school. He knew last week when you would go through this." Her reply was "Thank you God for sparing my legs." What kind of child thanks God and doesn't say..." Then why did He allow this to happen?"No, She thanked Him! Some of us adults need to learn thankfulness in times of storms.
She was the talk of the ER. A lot of the nurses wanted to know this brave little girl that hasn't shedding a tear from breaking her wrist, having an IV inserted, a doctor inserting a large needle into her broken bone then pulling the fire out of her broken wrist. We had over 5 nurses that wanted to meet her. Dr Cooper (orthopeadic) said "It's never this quiet in here. This is not normal. You could have dropped a pin. Usually kids and adults are screaming while he is pulling their broken bones! I would've been!
My praise goes to God...No matter the trials you put in my life...I will love you and Faithfully follow you all of my life. You are my Savior, My God, My Redeemer. My All in All! I thank you for your peace that surpasses all understanding.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy...I'll start short!

I have been busy trying to find ZoZo a good boarding house while we are in Colorado for a week. "Camp Bow Wow" is a neat place but I wanted something more homey! ZoZo is so spoiled...she is attached to me. When I leave the house, Paul says she sits looking at the door and whines the whole time while I'm gone. I don't know...I do know she sleeps with us and has to be touching me while she is sleeping. "Camp Bow Wow" was a little expensive ($210) So, I set up an appointment at "Waggin Tails Bed and Biscuit". The dogs have their own cottage suite and all suites are decorated per theme. So cute...the website address is http://www.waggintailsbandb.com/ if you're interested. Waggin Tails cost was ($120) a big difference. They really LOVE on the dogs too!

There is so much I need to update you on, all that has been going on in The Patrick house. I will write several more posts this next week.